Shoulder opening sequence – open & close book

Shoulder opening sequence – open & close book

In this video, I demonstrate a simple and effective way to move our whole shoulder girdle.  It is well known amongst our community of yogis and yoginis as the “opening and closing of book” sequence.  As well as stimulating front, back and side of shoulder and upper...

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How to Celebrate – My Six Favourite Ways.

How to Celebrate – My Six Favourite Ways.

June is my Birthday month.  So each year my intention for this month is – Celebration! And to help you find a way to celebrate in day to day life, I am going to share 6 ways of celebrating life that work for me.  Six ways to nurture your whole being, mind, body and...

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The Meaning of OM

The Meaning of OM

We have all heard the word OM, often we have chanted it, perhaps not so often we have felt or understood the meaning of OM.  So let’s explore it a little. OM is a Sanskrit word, first felt by rishis (sages or inspired poets) while they were in meditation.  So the idea...

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What is ahimsa – non violence?

What is ahimsa – non violence?

In yogic philosophy Ahimsa is one of the 5 Yamas, the moral guidelines on how to live orderly within society. In the Hindu and Buddhist tradition ahimsa simply means the respect for all living things and the avoidance of violence towards others. In Sanskrit ‘a’ always...

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“Four Limbed Staff Pose”, or simply “LOW PLANK” This arm balancing pose was our weekly focus recently and whilst we all know that there is more to a balanced yoga practice than simply asana (poses), I respect your right to know more about the physical approach. Arm...

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Three things to cultivate in the New Year

Three things to cultivate in the New Year

Let me share mine with you… Yoga teaches us to be fully present.  Yoga teaches us to feel. And it is in this presence that we can hear the whispers of our heart and feel its longing.  I encourage you to listen to your heart, to acknowledge your hearts’ deepest...

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Plank practices for Core Strength

Plank practices for Core Strength

Your Manipura Chakra or another reason why Core Strength is a good idea. Throughout the year we have been looking at incorporating the philosophical ideas of yoga tradition into our physical yoga asana practice to support our health and wellbeing even more...

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What is Hahnemann Healing?

What is Hahnemann Healing?

What is Hahnemann Healing? Hahnemann Healing is a form of emotional healing. This emotional healing modality deals with negative thoughts and feelings towards current or past events in our life.  If left unresolved, these emotions can be the cause of illness and can...

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Yin yoga for winter

Yin yoga for winter

A yoga practice to slow down and restore. Around the time of the winter solstice, and throughout winter, we may all face some feelings of lethargy, feelings of losing our motivation for our yoga practice or any other activities that we usually really love and enjoy. ...

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