Twisted OR Revolved Triangle Pose – Parivrtta Trikonasana

Let’s explore why this standing pose with a twist is soo loved and treasured, or is it?!.  Honestly, it really gives us a marvellous full body experience.  It trains our ability to keep the balance between stability, mobility and agility.  Come re-align your mind, body and soul with this energising standing twist.

Firstly, see if you can agree that yoga is about union.  Union of the outer reality with the inner reality, the thinking with the feeling; the dark with the light, the inner landscape with the outer landscape, the individual with the group, the personal universe with the wider universe, the letting go with the holding on, and many other connections and unions.  And it is through the physical practice of yoga asana, or yoga postures, in connection with the breath that these connections and unions can be achieved.

Secondly, let’s also assume that all yoga practices enhance outer, physical body confidence and therefore enhance inner, mental & emotional confidence.  All yoga practice also helps improve one’s posture, and hence physical wellbeing.


Parivrtta               = Twisted or revolved

Tri                        = three

Kona                     = angle

Asana                   = pose, posture, or even ‘comfortable seat’


  • Promotes stability and mobility and the hips and the spine
  • It teaches rotation of the spine while maintaining steadiness in lower body
  • Twists the whole spine
  • Stretches chest, buttocks, back, legs
  • Opens, chest, back, hamstrings, hips
  • Strengthens legs, back, arms
  • Improves balance and stability
  • Teaches proprioception
  • Improves physical and mental stamina
  • Allows to feel the body in a different dimension
  • Takes one out of one’s comfort zone
  • Improves body confidence and gracefulness
  • Improves flexibility in the thoracic spine, in the hips and in the hamstrings
  • It stimulates internal organs and can improve digestive health and metabolism

It goes without saying that you make sure that if physical ailments exist, you have checked with your medical practitioner if yoga practice is appropriate for you.

It’s a beautiful standing pose with a twist, stimulating the whole body.  It can be practiced on its own or of course intelligently woven into a flow style practice.  Always listen to your body and never push beyond your body’s limitations.  Remember ‘ahimsa’, practicing with awareness and not brutal force.  Move into your body’s full potential on any given time you practice.  And always listen to your breath, keep it soft and flowing.  Find a way with your breath to make space and find more freedom.


  • Only turn your head if it is appropriate for you. Otherwise, look to the floor or straight ahead.
  • Place your lower hand to the inside of your front foot, or simply somewhere against the outside of your front leg.
  • Shorten your stand if balance is challenging.
  • Rest your back heel against the wall.
  • Rest your top hand on your lower back if your shoulder is tender.
  • Use a block to place your lower hand onto.

Hold the pose for as long as you are able to. Start small.  Start with a few breaths, then build up to a couple of minutes.  Repeat pose with other leg forward.


  • Stability is key. Aim not to compromise your stability for a deeper twist.
  • Aim to have equal weight on both the front and the back foot.
  • Your spine craves length. Let it have it by actively lengthening from the top of your head to your tailbone.
  • Always observe your breath. If you’re holding your breath, or shorten it, it means you are moving out of your yogic state of ‘rest and digest’.  This indicates to you that you need to modify or come out of the pose altogether to facilitate healing, rather than just achieve a shape with your body.

Please let me know what other poses you would like to have explored.  Thank you.

With my best wishes for a joyful and calming yoga practice.