Happy Spring Equinox!

Or thriving for perfect Balance?!

Happy Spring Equinox, here in the Southern Hemisphere.

As we are close to the equal length of night and day, the perfect balance between light and dark, I invite you to contemplate the following questions:

  • Where in your life will it be nourishing to create more balance?
  • And where in your life is your idea of balance perhaps holding you back from showing up for yourself fully, from being bolder, or being more fully yourself?

Remember, your life is your nourishment.

Take some time over this coming longest weekend and the impending New Moon to sit with those invitations.

And perhaps write down now, what your immediate physical, visceral response was to those questions.  You know.  Your body knows.

If this is new to you be gentle, see it as a kind and caring exercise.

If you have ever been in a yoga class with me, you know that this is how I teach and practice yoga.  Yoga as a tool for self inquiry.  In addition to all the other benefits.

Spring also brings us the benefits of working with our Solar Plexus Chakra, the belly one, the powerhouse one, the yellow one.  We have already been focusing on this energy centre in the past couple of weeks.

Here is a link to a chakra yoga practice Blog post, I have written some time ago.

And here is a link to 7 Yoga Poses for Spring ….by yours truly.  With love.

Enjoy the season of revitalisation and make the most of what you can do and what you do have.

Please let me know how you found those inviting questions.

If you’d like to have those questions tailored to your specific needs, reach out, as I’m happy to support you in finding balance, living your best life and accelerate your growth with my new skill as a fully qualified Lifecoach.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Much love,

Bettina Pfannkuch