Prayer Hands or Anjali Mudra – and ONE of my favourite meanings – DISCERNMENT

We use this Mudra, this Hand gesture of Prayer Hands a lot in our yoga classes and in life.

Do you know it’s meaning?

Personally, I love prayer hands, or Anjali (the heart) mudra.

I thank people for their kindness, their work, their service to me with this gesture.

And of course we use it in our yoga classes.

One of the deeper traditional meanings of the heart mudra is the intention to protect our heart.

More specifically, to practice discernment when it comes to who and what we share our energy, our attention, our focus with.

This is a highly powerful reminder. That we as individuals can make that choice.

We begin our yoga practice with hands in front of the heart, to remind us, that we intentionally bring the focus back to ourselves, our heart, our body, our breath.

So that we not only feel our physical bodies and presence, but also to not compare ourselves to others, or even let the focus wander to what happened in the day, or future planning.

Reminding us that we are important individually and we choose to give that attention and energy to solely ourselves during practice.

And we take this skill and intention of discernment off the mat and into our lives.

“ Who and what we give our energy to is in YOUR hands”. Your decision. Your discernment.

Discernment, a quality broadly fostered with a holistic yoga practice.

Let us bring our hands in prayer in front of the heart now 🙏.

Thank you for giving this article and video your attention.

I love you.

Go be great 🙏